My experience learning english

In general i like the english classes, at least the teaches than i have, know how make intereting their lessons, but something i dont like is the use of blogs, i know this is useful to practice writing, but there are other ways and i dont like tecnollogy, i remember the past year i didin't know how to publish my blogs and for that i have a lot of one's, just this semester i learn how to do it.

I don't know wath part of my english, specifically i need to improve, i mean, i understand the most of i listen and read, also i can talk and write in english, but in all that i have defects, i didn't dominate nothing to perfection and i plan improve to the next two years.

Out of the classes, i use english principally to watch youtube videos (anme news, tops and curiosity videos), listen music, read memes and read mangas, also alwas that i have the option, i watch the movies whit subtitles, the same in videogames, as a way to improve my english, but beside of allthat i also use english from timeto time to talk to people of other countries, like the U.S, England, Canadá, etc. i remember one tieme, when i was having a long conversation with other chilean and ididn't know till the end of the conversation, also i like read news from time to time.


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