I'm not in quarantine

Hi everyone.

I'm from La serena, Coquimbo, one of the regions less affected for the Coronavirus, consequenly we are not in quarantine, yet, but that doesn't means we don't care about infections, at least in my case i'm in home the most part of the day, and i only exit for buy food, medicine, or other essential stuff.

With this clarified my favorite activity during this pandemic is listen music, i can spend hours with no sense of time, if you ask me wath gender of music i prefer, i answer you "yes", becsuse as long i can move, i dont care wath i'm listening. Other thing i'd like to do is watch anime, curiosly i doesn't do that so frecuently as before, but still being one of my favorite passtimes. Also i'd like play videogames, specially those who have open world and a good story, like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Red dead redemtion 2, also like lineal videogames but only if they have a relly good story, like Uncharted (1,2,3 and 4), and The last o us, whose second part is coming this friday and i'm very exited for play it.

And that is a summary of how i'm passing this pandemic.


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