
My experience learning english

In general i like the english classes, at least the teaches than i have, know how make intereting their lessons, but something i dont like is the use of blogs, i know this is useful to practice writing, but there are other ways and i dont like tecnollogy, i remember the past year i didin't know how to publish my blogs and for that i have a lot of one's, just this semester i learn how to do it. I don't know wath part of my english, specifically i need to improve, i mean, i understand the most of i listen and read, also i can talk and write in english, but in all that i have defects, i didn't dominate nothing to perfection and i plan improve to the next two years. Out of the classes, i use english principally to watch youtube videos (anme news, tops and curiosity videos), listen music, read memes and read mangas, also alwas that i have the option, i watch the movies whit subtitles, the same in videogames, as a way to improve my english, but beside of allthat i also use en

Postgraduate Studies

One of the main reasons to made a postgraduate study, is than im going to have more laboral oportunities, also i think is good specialize just for the love to you career, to go in depth your knowledge, personally i want to specialize in the study of domestical animals rests, also if i can't do that i plan study anyting who doesn't have to see with mummys or human corpses, because i don't tolerate the idea of desecrate a tomb. If im going to do a postgraduate study, it must be in the abroad, first because there are more options and second the titles that you get there, are generally more apreciated, than those who you get in chile and i like the idea of know other countries, of preference in Europe, but not necessarily, if you ask me for an specific country, i couldn't give you an exact answer, i considerate for example, France, because they have one of the most antique universities of Europe, England is also a good option, i know a lot of cases of chilean archaeologist

The witcher

My favorite serie is The witcher, from Netflix, because is based in the same saga of books, than my favorite videogame, The witcher 3: wild hunt, and i like that game and serie because i love fantasy worlds, and this in particular is pretty dark, thing that i love, cause in this gender that is not common, other thing that i like is the "destiny" of the chararters, who is interlazed, even if some doesn't believe in that, like Geralt of Rivia, one of the protagonists, and my favorite character, because even when he denied the existence of destiny, the whole story is about his share destiny whith Ciri (his adopted daughter) and Yennefer (somenthig similar to a girlfriend, their relationship is complicated), and how they look for each other, some times being too close, but even then too far, also i like the world of the witcher, specially the politics of the kindoms, the wars between them, the nilfgaard expansion, and the logic of mages, who is behind each king. the serie h

I'm not in quarantine

Hi everyone. I'm from La serena, Coquimbo, one of the regions less affected for the Coronavirus, consequenly we are not in quarantine, yet, but that doesn't means we don't care about infections, at least in my case i'm in home the most part of the day, and i only exit for buy food, medicine, or other essential stuff. With this clarified my favorite activity during this pandemic is listen music, i can spend hours with no sense of time, if you ask me wath gender of music i prefer, i answer you "yes", becsuse as long i can move, i dont care wath i'm listening. Other thing i'd like to do is watch anime, curiosly i doesn't do that so frecuently as before, but still being one of my favorite passtimes. Also i'd like play videogames, specially those who have open world and a good story, like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Red dead redemtion 2, also like lineal videogames but only if they have a relly good story, like Uncharted (1,2,3 and 4), and The

vacations in punta cana

Hi everyone! Today im gona talk abuout the best vacation i ever have, it was in december of 2017, i went with my classmates and some of their parents to punta cana, inthe Dominican repiblic, it was our study tour, we went for two weeks, and i never have so much fun.  It was my first time out of chile, and my first time experiment the tropical weather, when i put my first feet out of the plane, i feel like i open the door of a oven, and i like it, we made a tour from some touristic places, like a beutiful beach, with cristaline water, a cave with an inside lagoon, an island with an incredible biodiversity, also we went in to a party at the nigth, it was in a disco, and i was dancing and drinking till 3A.M. when we go back to the resort. The thing i most miss of punta cana, it was their climate, alwais warm, there it was the first time when i can sleep over the bed sheets, even when i go out of the sea or the pool, i never feel cold, and thats why i considerate my vacations in

Japan, the country that i want to visit

I really want go to Japan, specialy Akihabara, because is almost a sacred place to the otakus, hereis located the Anime Center of Tokio, where you can saw exibitions and bougth memories, also is the Radio Kaikan center, what is ten flours of toys, cards and colectionable objects, instead exotic coffe shops and restaurants, like the maid coffes for example, also want to visit the Tokio tower, whit the One piece museum in their inside, basically i want to live a comlete "otaku" experience.  But japan have much more to offer than anime, manga and videogames, i also want to visit the ancestral Kioto and stay in a traditional lodge and go all over from all their temples and tourist places, like the Nijo Castle, the Kyoto Imperial Palace, the Kiyomizu-dera Temple, between others. Other thing that i want to do is travell in a higt speed train, because in spite off that i travell in airplanes before, whit speeds of 900 km/h, trvell so fast in land makes me have curiosity.