
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

My experience learning english

In general i like the english classes, at least the teaches than i have, know how make intereting their lessons, but something i dont like is the use of blogs, i know this is useful to practice writing, but there are other ways and i dont like tecnollogy, i remember the past year i didin't know how to publish my blogs and for that i have a lot of one's, just this semester i learn how to do it. I don't know wath part of my english, specifically i need to improve, i mean, i understand the most of i listen and read, also i can talk and write in english, but in all that i have defects, i didn't dominate nothing to perfection and i plan improve to the next two years. Out of the classes, i use english principally to watch youtube videos (anme news, tops and curiosity videos), listen music, read memes and read mangas, also alwas that i have the option, i watch the movies whit subtitles, the same in videogames, as a way to improve my english, but beside of allthat i also use en

Postgraduate Studies

One of the main reasons to made a postgraduate study, is than im going to have more laboral oportunities, also i think is good specialize just for the love to you career, to go in depth your knowledge, personally i want to specialize in the study of domestical animals rests, also if i can't do that i plan study anyting who doesn't have to see with mummys or human corpses, because i don't tolerate the idea of desecrate a tomb. If im going to do a postgraduate study, it must be in the abroad, first because there are more options and second the titles that you get there, are generally more apreciated, than those who you get in chile and i like the idea of know other countries, of preference in Europe, but not necessarily, if you ask me for an specific country, i couldn't give you an exact answer, i considerate for example, France, because they have one of the most antique universities of Europe, England is also a good option, i know a lot of cases of chilean archaeologist